
Aronia Berry Powder Benefits: Coloring Food and Preventing Chronic Diseases

Monday June 03, 2024

Aronia berry, due to its bitter taste, is commonly called Chokeberry. Black chokeberry is nowadays a widely utilized crop for the production of natural food colorants [1] and due to its usage in processed products [2] and nutraceutical utilization in the form of nutritional supplements [3]. Black chokeberry originates from the eastern parts of North America. The cultivation of this crop for the food industry in Europe started in Russia in the early 1900s in the cold areas of Siberia, and afterwards, the plant was spread all over Russia. In the first half of the 20th century, the Aronia plant was also introduced to other European countries, such as Eastern European states (e.g., Poland with a current area of around 1600 ha and a production of 14,000–15,000 t), Germany, Finland, Sweden, and Norway [4].

How to produce Aronia Berry Powder?

Aronia berries will go through cleaning, pressing, concentrating, heat sterilization, filtration, spray drying, and so on, and then the fruit berry will be converted into Aronia berry powder. Every process needs strict environmental control, including Temperature and microbial conditions. Because the Aronia berry has a bitter taste, Binmei Biotechnology produces aronia berry powder, the powder goes through a unique technology process: Deastringent Technology.

Binmei Biotechnology Aronia Berry Powder

What are the Aronia Berry Powder benefits?

Aronia berry is popular and gets more attention because of its high phenolic content, especially anthocyanins, in the form of cyanidin derivatives. the berries are also rich in bioactive constituents, such as vitamins (vitamin C and vitamin E), mineral elements (potassium, calcium and magnesium), carotenoids, pectins, organic acids and carbohydrates present in smaller amounts [5]. Because of the Aronia berry component, Aonia Berry Powder has the most important benefit: Preventing Chronic Diseases.

Summary of the protective effects of Aonia berry fruit in relation to chronic diseases.

Detailed introduction: Benefits of Aronia Berry Powder

Benefits of Aronia Berry Powder: Anti-inflammatory 

Anti-inflammatory activity in combination with the antimicrobial effect of plant extracts are generally based on phenolics (simple phenols, phenolic acids, quinones, flavones, flavonoids, flavonols, tannins and coumarins), terpenoids and essential oils, alkaloids, lectins and polypeptides[6].  Aronia Berry Powder is rich in anthocyanin, a kind of plant phenolics, so it has benefits in anti-inflammatory.

 The influence of aronia extract on lipopolysaccharide-induced production of tumor necrosis factor α.

Benefits of Aronia Berry Powder: Nutricosmetics

The nutricosmetics are products and ingredients that act as nutritional supplements to care skin, nails, and hair natural beauty. They work from the inside to promote beauty from within. Nutricosmetic is the latest trend in the beauty industry. Due to riching in anthocyanin, Aronia berry has significant anti-oxidant capacity, helps delay skin aging, promote collagen production, and improve wrinkles.

Where can we buy Aronia Berry Powder?

Binmei Biotechnology have many producing lines to produce plant extract, including Aronia Berry Powder, now Binmei Biotechnology serves more than 800 customers, covering 65 countries and regions around the world. If you are interested, you can contect our Sales Team by email:

1. Howard L.R., Brownmiller C., Prior R.L., Mauromoustakos A. Improved Stability of Chokeberry Juice Anthocyanins by β-Cyclodextrin Addition and Refrigeration. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2013;61:693–699. doi: 10.1021/jf3038314. 

2. Horszwald A., Julien H., Andlauer W. Characterisation of Aronia powders obtained by different drying processes. Food Chem. 2013;141:2858–2863.

3. Sikora J., Broncel M., Markowicz M., Chałubiński M., Wojdan K., Mikiciuk-Olasik E. Short-term supplementation with Aronia melanocarpa extract improves platelet aggregation, clotting, and fibrinolysis in patients with metabolic syndrome. Eur. J. Nutr. 2012;51:549–556. doi: 10.1007/s00394-011-0238-8.

4. Janick J., Paull R.E. Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. 1st ed. CABI; Wallingford, UK: 2008. pp. 622–624. 

5. Borowska S., Brzóska M.M. Chokeberries (Aronia melanocarpa) and Their Products as a Possible Means for the Prevention and Treatment of Noncommunicable Diseases and Unfavorable Health Effects Due to Exposure to Xenobiotics. Compr. Rev. Food Sci. Food Saf. 2016;15:982–1017. doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12221. 

6. Savoia D. Plant-derived antimicrobial compounds: Alternatives to antibiotics. Future Microbiol. 2012;7:979–990. doi: 10.2217/fmb.12.68. 

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