Blue Spirulina, also known as Spirulina extract primarily consists of phycocyanin. The production process of BINMEIs Spirulina extract is gentle and does not involve any additives; only water is used as a supplement.
Spirulina algae are rich, in nutrients boasting protein levels (60–70% when dried) vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and other beneficial substances. Recognized by the FDA as a food for humans and a “superfood ” it contains amounts of beta carotene, vitamin B12, iron, trace elements, and the rare gamma-linolenic acid. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has described spirulina as a protein source. Furthermore, NASA has employed it as a supplement for astronauts. Hence spirulina is often hailed as “the food of the future” due to its profile.
Benefits of Phycocyanin: many kinds of amino acids
One major advantage of phycocyanin is its content of amino acids. Spirulina contains 60% to 70% protein with phycobilin making up 40% of the total protein primarily in the form of phycocyanin. The increasing recognition of the benefits of amino acids has led to a rise, in their use in producing dietary supplements. Essential amino acids constitute 35% of all acids present in spirulina[3]. Moreover, amino acids play a role in regulating functions and maintaining normal metabolism serving as crucial components within the human body.
Benefits of Phycocyanin: cancer treatment particularly concerning leukemia
Regarding another benefit phycocyanin plays a role in cancer treatment particularly concerning leukemia. There is potential for developing natural anticancer agents from blue-green algae (BGA) notably spirulina, for cancer therapy.
It has been proven that the abundance of antioxidant compounds, in algae is what gives it its effectiveness as a remedy for various illnesses, such as cancer, diabetes, and inflammation.
When administered at a concentration of 50 μM for a period of up to 48 hours C phycocyanin and β carotene exhibited cancer effects on the human chronic myeloid leukemia (K562) cell line by reducing cell growth by 49%.
Benefits of Phycocyanin: application in the field of immunology
One of the benefits of phycocyanin is its application in immunology. Spirulina contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that not only support system and brain functions and address nutritional deficiencies but also enhance immune responses.
Spirulina is used to produce phycobiliproteins that are utilized as colorants. These pigments have applications as indicated by numerous studies. They find utility as materials in medicine, immunological research, and therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. Additionally, they have been found to reduce blood cholesterol levels and act protectively against hepatitis.
Benefits of Phycocyanin: antioxidant capacity
Phycocyanin possesses an antioxidant capacity that surpasses the abilities of vitamin C vitamin E and SOD by significant margins. It safeguards cell membranes and connective tissues by shielding phospholipids and preserving antioxidants, like superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalase, glutathione, and peroxidase.
Benefits of Phycocyanin: supplement for athletes
Athletes in both professional sports are increasingly turning to Phycocyanin as a supplement to aid in recovery post-exertion and boost endurance. This protein pigment derived from spirulina is proving to be an asset for athletes seeking performance.
Benefits of Phycocyanin: riching in Fe
Spirulina iron (Fe) content makes it an exceptional supplement option due to its absorption rate compared to other iron-rich foods. The body absorbs Fe from spirulina at a rate of 60%, which is higher than that of ferrous sulfate commonly found in iron supplements. One of the sources of pigments, in diets is spirulina, C phycocyanin, which contains 14% iron.
Benefits of Phycocyanin: skin benefits
The skin-friendly characteristics of blue spirulina suggest it could be soothing for allergic reactions such as skin rashes, itching and inflammation. Its gentle nature makes it a promising option for addressing skin sensitivities and enhancing skin health and comfort. In a research study 40 participants in the diet group and 38 in the control group were examined. Adult women (aged 20 65) were split into a group consuming containing food and another group given a placebo (food without phycocyanin) to consume. The study measured skin water loss as an indicator of skin barrier function (hydration level).
Benefits of Phycocyanin: Protecting Women’s Ovaries
Phycocyanin has shown a potential to enhance fertility by improving ovarian and oocyte quality in mice offering a new approach for addressing obesity-related infertility in females.
Additional Uses and Benefits of Phycocyanin
Phycocyanin can be processed into powder, liquid, oil, tablets, or capsules. This range caters, to what customers want. Besides being used as a colorant consumers are now more commonly encountering phycocyanin in dietary supplement formats, like tablets and capsules.