
Natural blue pigments from nature are very rare, blue spirulina is extracted from spirulina as a natural blue color used in many industries, and it is trendy in the world. The core component of blue spirulina is phycocyanin, and the essence of phycocyanin is protein. So blue spirulina is light-sensitive, heat-sensitive, and not resistant to …

Blue spirulina application: natural blue used in different  industries Read More »

Aronia melanocarpa, also known as black chokeberry, is a deciduous shrub that belongs to the Rosaceae family. Nowadays, chokeberries are cultivated as an important industrial crop and are processed into juices, nectars, wines, jams, and food-grade colorants. Aronia melanocarpa fruits are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin B complex, carotenoids, tocopherols, vitamin C, and vitamin K, macroelements (K, …

The Benefits Behind Aronia Berry Powder: Application Insights from Leading Manufacturers Read More »

Involution in the food and beverage industries is a universal phenomenon. Every participant in the food market segment is experiencing excessive competition and diminishing returns. Food innovation is important for companies to get out of trouble.  Healthy black cuttlefish ink extract foods provide a solution for enterprises to stay away from low-price competition, including “black …

Cuttlefish ink extract Application: Take occult black color to food and beverage Read More »

Binmei Biotechnology is one of the Chinese organic food coloring manufacturers, and its Phycocyanin series as natural food coloring products updated EU and US Organic ECOCERT certification. Binmei Biotechnology Phycocyanin series products can be exported to the US and EU with organic marks on their labels.  Food and beverage factories in the EU and US …

Organic Spirulina Extract (Phycocyanin) as a natural food coloring: Binmei Biotechnology factory updated its Organic Certificate Read More »

Blue is one of the three primary colors, it is vitally important in food industries. At present, food processing factories, to get blue shade, always use synthetic blue colors, natural blue colors that fully meet the needs of the food industry are rare. Compared with synthetic colors, natural colors mostly derived from plants have coloring …

China Natural Blue Food Coloring: Development and Application Read More »

Colors play a vital role in food, medicine, textile, and other industries, making human life more colorful. Colors are divided into natural and synthetic colors according to their source. However, many synthetic colorants have environmental toxicity and threaten human health. For healthy purposes, natural colors are replacing synthetic colors, and customers purchase health, giving natural …

Natural colors are replacing synthetic colors, and market opportunity for natural color factory Read More »

Any food product is instinctively scrutinized from a visual sense before deciding on purchasing or consumption. Consumers’ inclination to a particular food item is primarily visual specific to the color of the food which aids the consumers to predict the flavor and taste of the food. For these reasons, natural and artificial colors play a vital …

China food coloring: Natural food colors vs. Artificial colors Read More »

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